United Nations General Assembly A/HRC/WGEID/115/1 Distr.: General 16 August 2018 Original: English Human Rights Council Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances Communications, cases examined, observations and other activities conducted by the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances* 115th session (23 April–2 May 2018) I. Communications 1. Between its 114th and 115th sessions, the Working Group transmitted 50 cases under its urgent action procedure, to: Azerbaijan (1), China (1), Egypt (39), Libya (2), Pakistan (3), Russian Federation (1), Saudi Arabia (2) and United Arab Emirates (1). 2. At its 115th session, the Working Group decided to transmit 135 newly reported cases of enforced disappearance to 17 States: Algeria (12), Bangladesh (1), China (2), Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (23), Egypt (4), India (4), Iran (Islamic Republic of) (1), Iraq (1), Israel (1), Libya (8), Nigeria (1), Pakistan (34), Saudi Arabia (1), Sri Lanka (28), Syrian Arab Republic (12), United Arab Emirates (1) and Ukraine (1). 3. The Working Group also clarified 45 cases, in: China (2), Egypt (25), Mauritania (1), Pakistan (8), Peru (1), Saudi Arabia (1), Sudan (1), Turkey (3), Turkmenistan (1), Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) (1) and Viet Nam (1). Seventeen cases were clarified on the basis of information provided by the Governments and twenty-eight on the basis of information provided by sources. 4. Between its 114th and 115th sessions, the Working Group also transmitted seven communications, either individually or jointly with other special procedure mechanisms: three urgent appeals, to Azerbaijan (1), Iraq (1) and Sudan (1); three prompt intervention letters, to Egypt (2) and India (1); and one “other letter” to Guatemala. 5. On 30 April 2018, a press release concerning Bahrain was issued together with other special procedure mechanisms. 6. At its 115th session, the Working Group also reviewed and adopted two general allegations, concerning China and Thailand. II. Other activities 7. During the session, the Working Group met with relatives of victims of enforced disappearances and with non-governmental organizations working on the issue. The * The annexes to the present document are reproduced as received, in the languages of submission only. GE.18-13569(E) 

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