A/HRC/WGEID/115/1 Working Group also held meetings with representatives of the Governments of Egypt, Japan, Morocco, Pakistan, Portugal, the Sudan and Thailand. III. Information concerning enforced or involuntary disappearances in States reviewed by the Working Group during the session Algeria Standard procedure 8. The Working Group transmitted 12 cases to the Government, concerning: (a) Mohamed Bouazza El Jazmi, allegedly abducted on 11 March 1981 by members of the Algerian army and the Frente Popular para la Liberación de Saguía elHamra y de Río de Oro (Frente Polisario) in the village of Bouirat, south of Tan-Tan, southern Morocco; (b) Hamdani Aba Ali, allegedly abducted on 18 April 1976 by members of the Algerian army and the Frente Polisario in the village of Bouirat, south of Tan-Tan, southern Morocco; (c) Jilali Bouchan, allegedly abducted on 14 April 1975 by members of the Algerian army and the Frente Polisario in the village of Bouirat, south of Tan-Tan, southern Morocco; (d) Ali Akacem, allegedly arrested on 23 February 1994 by military security officers near his home on the Essenia University campus, Oran; (e) Tayeb Azzouz, allegedly arrested on 14 December 1994 by military security agents at his workplace in Ain El Biya, Oran; (f) El Mechri Bouchiba, allegedly arrested on 2 January 1996 by members of the military at his home in Laghouat; (g) Larbi Bounadja, allegedly arrested on 16 November 1994 by security guards and members of the gendarmerie in Emir Abdelkader, Sidi Chami, Oran; (h) Abderrahmane Daoudi, allegedly arrested on 20 January 1995 by police officers from the Ras El Aioun police station at his home in Ras El Aioun, Batna; (i) Mohamed Mechali, allegedly arrested on 1 May 1995 by security forces from Chateaunef at his home in Baraki, Algiers; (j) Abdellah Ras El Gourab, allegedly arrested on 19 February 1997 by soldiers sent by the military security authorities, at his home in Algiers; (k) Omar Ras El Gourab, allegedly arrested on 22 May 1995 by the police at Laaquiba market in Belcourt, Algiers; (l) Zidane Yassaa, last seen on 3 March 1996, after he left his home in Sidi Moussa, Baraki, Algiers, to go to his workplace. It is alleged that the military security authorities are implicated in his disappearance. Reportedly, in the 1990s, arrests were very frequent and inhabitants had to cross a multitude of checkpoints occupied by the military security authorities before arriving at their destination. 9. In accordance with its methods of work, the Working Group transmitted a copy of three of the case files to the Government of Morocco. Information from sources 10. Sources provided updated information on one outstanding case, which was considered insufficient to clarify the case. 2

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