A/HRC/WGEID/113/1 7. During the session, the Working Group met with relatives of victims of enforced disappearances, and with non-governmental organizations working on the issue. The Working Group also held meetings with representatives of the Governments of Argentina, Angola, Bahrain, Egypt, Japan, Morocco, Portugal, Turkmenistan and Viet Nam. 8. The Working Group also met with the Committee on Enforced Disappearances to exchange information on activities and to further cooperation and coordination on enforced disappearances. 9. During the session, the Working Group discussed the report on its country visit to the Gambia, and other internal matters and activities, including future visits. It also decided to prepare follow-up reports in relation to its regional visit in 2014, which included Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo,** and to prepare its 114th session, to be held in Brussels from 5 to 9 February 2018. 10. The 113th session coincided with the thirty-sixth session of the Human Rights Council, during which the Working Group presented to the Council its annual report (A/HRC/36/39), its report on its mission to Albania (A/HRC/36/39/Add.1), its thematic report on enforced or involuntary disappearances in the context of migration (A/HRC/36/39/Add.2) and its follow-up report on past visits to Chile and Spain (A/HRC/36/39/Add.3). III. Information concerning enforced or involuntary disappearances in States reviewed by the Working Group during the session Albania Information from sources 11. A source provided updated information on one outstanding case, which was considered insufficient to clarify the case. Algeria Standard procedure 12. The Working Group transmitted 17 cases to the Government of Algeria, concerning (a) Ali Benyachou, allegedly abducted on 11 March 1980by members of the Algerian military together with members of the Polisario Front from Assa Zag, south of Morocco; (b) Charqi Jou, allegedly abducted on 1 January 1980by members of the Algerian military together with members of the Polisario Front from Hagounia, south of Morocco; (c) Mohamed Khelil, allegedly abducted on 24 August 1979 by members of the Algerian military together with members of the Polisario Front from the village of Bouirat, south of Tan-Tan, south of Morocco; (d) Mohamed Touil, allegedly abducted on 24 August 1979 by members of the Algerian military together with members of the Polisario Front from the village of Bouirat, south of Tan-Tan, south of Morocco; (e) Abdelkader Benaamer, allegedly abducted on 4 April 1987 by members of the Algerian military together with members of the Polisario Front from Galtat Zemour, south of Morocco; ** 2 Any reference to Kosovo should be understood in accordance with Security Council resolution 1244 (1999) and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo.

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