United Nations General Assembly A/HRC/WGEID/109/1 Distr.: General 22 July 2016 Original: English Human Rights Council Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances Communications, cases examined, observations and other activities conducted by the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances 109th session (9 – 18 May 2016) I. Introduction 1. The present document reflects the communications and cases examined, the observations made and other activities carried out by the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances at its 109th session, held in Geneva, from 9 to 18 May 2016. II. Communications 2. Between its 108th and 109th sessions, the Working Group transmitted 203 cases under its urgent action procedure, to Colombia (1), Egypt (72), Jordan (2), Mexico (1), Morocco (1), Pakistan (124), Rwanda (1) and the United Arab Emirates (1). 3. At its 109th session, the Working Group decided to transmit 113 newly reported cases of enforced disappearance to 20 States. The Working Group also clarified 90 cases, in Argentina (25), Chile (2), Egypt (24), Indonesia (1), Iran (Islamic Republic of) (1), Mexico (1), Morocco (1), Pakistan (32), Turkey (1) and the United Arab Emirates (2). Thirty-eight cases were clarified on the basis of the information provided by Governments, and 52 on the basis of the information provided by sources. 4. Between its 108th and 109th sessions, the Working Group transmitted four communications: two prompt intervention letters jointly with other special procedure mechanisms, to Iraq and Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of); and two other letters, to the Governments of the Gambia and of Guatemala. 5. At its 109th session, the Working Group reviewed two general allegations concerning Egypt and Cameroon. GE.16-12647(E) 

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