A/HRC/WGEID/112/1 III. Other activities 6. At its 112th session, the Working Group met with relatives of victims of enforced disappearances, and with non-governmental organizations working on the issue. The Working Group also held formal meetings with representatives of the Governments of Japan and Portugal. 7. During its sessions, the Working Group discussed the annual report, the report on its country visit to Albania, the thematic report on enforced disappearances in the context of migration, and other internal matters and activities, including future visits. IV. Information concerning enforced or involuntary disappearances in States reviewed by the Working Group during the session Algeria Joint allegation letter 8. On 31 March 2017, the Working Group transmitted, jointly with other special procedure mechanisms, a letter of allegation concerning the alleged arrest and detention of, and charges against, Rafik Belamrania, reportedly in reprisal for having published the decision of the Human Rights Committee concerning the enforced disappearance of his father. Reply to joint urgent appeal 9. On 6 March 2017, the Government of Algeria transmitted a reply to the joint urgent appeal sent on 1 November 2016 concerning reports of arbitrary arrests and detentions following a peaceful assembly of relatives of disappeared persons. In its response the Government indicated that the gathering had been dispersed by the security services, and that there had been no arrest or detention of any demonstrator. It also explained that the intervention of the police force in the peaceful demonstration was related to the fact that the members of families of the disappeared who had participated in the protest outside the headquarters of the Governor of the Province of Constantine had done so without having obtained a permit. The Government concluded that the protestors had been investigated in accordance with legal procedures and released.1 Observations 10. The Working Group recalls article 13 (3) of the Declaration on the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance, in which it is stated that steps are to be taken to ensure that all involved in an investigation, including the complainant, counsel, witnesses and those conducting the investigation, are protected against ill-treatment, intimidation or reprisal. Furthermore, the Working Group recalls Human Rights Council resolution 7/12, in which the Council urged States to take steps to provide adequate protection to witnesses of enforced or involuntary disappearances, human rights defenders acting against enforced disappearances and the lawyers and families of disappeared persons against any intimidation or ill-treatment to which they might be subjected. 1 2 See https://spcommreports.ohchr.org/TMResultsBase/DownLoadFile?gId=49045.

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