on the issue. The Working Group also held formal meetings with representatives of the
Governments of Japan and Peru.
The Working Group discussed future visits, the scarcity of invitations to visit
countries, and how to encourage States to accept its visit requests. It continued to discuss
improvements of its case management workload, including measures to reduce the backlog
of cases, and internal guidelines on accessing and managing the archives of the Working
Group. It also discussed the upcoming follow-up reports on Chile and Spain, and the
preparation of its 111th session, to be held in the Republic of Korea from 6 to 10 February
During the session, the Working Group also discussed its forthcoming study on
enforced disappearances in the context of migration.
The 110th session coincided with the thirty-third session of the Human Rights
Council, during which the Working Group presented to the Council its annual report
(A/HRC/33/51), its reports on its missions to Turkey (A/HRC/33/51/Add.1), Sri Lanka
(A/HRC/33/51/Add.2) and Peru (A/HRC/33/51/Add.3), its follow-up report on the
recommendations made by the Working Group following its visits to the Congo and to
Pakistan (A/HRC/33/51/Add.7), and its preliminary observations on the study on migration
and enforced disappearances.
III. Information concerning enforced or involuntary
disappearances in States reviewed by the Working Group
Standard procedure
The Working Group transmitted 34 cases to the Government of Algeria, concerning:
Nadji Serrar, allegedly arrested on 17 September 1996 in Messaâd, Djelfa by
the military;
Mohamed Toumi, allegedly arrested on 8 February 1996 in Algiers by
military security officers;
Fayçal Rahmoune, allegedly abducted on 5 November 1995 in Algiers by
military security officers;
Ahmed Ghoul, allegedly arrested on 15 February 1995 in Algiers by police
officers from Kolea and communal guards from Douaouda;
Thameur Taibi, allegedly arrested on 27 April 1994 in the Wilaya of
Laghouat by a police officer;
Kamal Tadjrouni, allegedly arrested on 3 January 1996 in Algiers by police
Nourredine Tandjaoui, allegedly arrested on 11 June 1995 in the Wilaya of
Blida by military security officers;
Fadhil Tlemçani, allegedly arrested on 18 August 1994 in the village of
Bourbache by the military;
Ali Djennadi, allegedly abducted on 10 July 1994 in the Wilaya of Bouira by
military security officers;